15 tools to help improve workplace culture

15 tools to help improve workplace culture

Kamila Caban |

Harnessing the power of technology has never been easier, so more and more organisations use digital tools to improve workplace culture, which also results in productivity improvements and efficiency. It is worth remembering that building a workplace culture requires a multifaceted approach, so do not limit yourself to using only one tool, for example.

Here are 15 tools to help improve workplace culture:


Trello is a tool that improves productivity and helps you manage your team and effectively prepare your task lists, separate individual projects from each other, or control changes. Moreover, Trello projects in your company can become more organized because the tool allows you to allocate responsibilities to your team members and set the time limit and duration of a specific task.


Charlie is a free online platform that helps team members with online communication and collaboration. For example, this tool allows you to inform each other when someone on that day is absent or unable to meet the task assigned to them and track the progress of others, which in turn helps to eliminate unnecessary tension and stress.

Microsoft Teams

More and more companies are recognizing the value that Microsoft Teams can bring to everyday work. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has helped to adapt companies to the new work environment. Microsoft Teams enables conference support, provides effective communication between employees, or allows you to create threads for specific topics, and is extremely simple and intuitive.


Interact can help solve the problem of providing feedback or incorporating others into the conversation, and simplifies cooperation of all groups.


Rorie Devine, CEO and Founder GRO.TEAM recommends using CultureIQ as a tool to build company culture and collect favorable information from employees. For example, this data can be used to make necessary changes or understand the needs of employees.


Using Headspace can help you encourage your employees to take advantage of meditation and relaxation. Taking a few minutes a day to exercise can have a huge impact on the value you bring to your organization and greatly help you control productivity or communication.


Slack is ideal as a tool for more efficient communication or collaboration management, sharing ideas, troubleshooting, uploading files in real time. Slack is enriched with emojis and GIFs, which makes it less formal and allows your team to communicate freely, unofficial.

Daniel Carter, founder Zippy Electrics, notes that Slack is key to effective communication with team members. Explains that Slack's functions improve project management and allow you to receive the relevant information needed in a given department, and in addition to the direct-messaging function, it is also possible to create channels where communication with specific members of the team you are working with on a given project.


Basecamp can be used as a tool to announce important updates on your company, product or new employees. This tool helps us to remain transparent about our workplace and to gather information in a single, specific location, which can be crucial for remote work.


Robert Kienzle sharing his experience with Miro, notes that this tool can be used primarily in two ways. First, as a work tool and a common workspace that allows, for example, file sharing or using built-in templates. Secondly, as a tool useful for organizing training for external clients.


Talkspirit improves the communication between employees, regardless of their location, entrusted activities or affiliation with a particular team.

Virgin Pulse

Virgin Pulse is an ideal tool for people for whom it is important that communication is confidential.

Jack Zmudziński, Senior Associate at Future Processing explains that digital tools like Virgin Pulse can be really useful. They not only allow communication and communication of information, but also promote well-being


Fellow encourages giving team members expressions of appreciation or conveying specific and individualized praise. This simple activity can prove very motivating and can be one of the factors that promote better cooperation or integration.


Zoom provides video meeting support and is great for running online meetings. As a tool, among other things, it makes it possible to select only those people whose presence is really needed during the meeting.

Interestingly, Zoom, like Microsoft Teams, has seen a huge increase in popularity as a result of the massive switch to remote work.


Teleport's online video conferencing software can improve project management. This tool allows you to conduct real-time communications, which is necessary to identify and deal with problems, gives everyone an equal chance to speak out, and encourages everyone to be active.


Asana as a digital tool allows you to create simple to-do lists and organize teams that will help reduce unnecessary work, connect members from different departments and unify projects across the company. Asana also allows you to share opinions and ideas without cluttering the main channels of communication, which makes it a valuable tool for any company, which, for example, runs multiple projects at the same time.

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