What if the whistleblower keeps reporting the same problem? Your investigation team has already carried out appropriate actions on several occasions in investigating the irregularities and still failed to find any proof of the rightness of the report. After all, the employee continues to report them.
It could be an alarm that something is happening that the board cannot see. The beacon apparently still sees an unresolved problem in this.
Janelle Aaker, an expert on diversity, equality and inclusion, used an example based on the fairy tale “The Boy Who Called for Help.”
“I believe each new report should be treated individually. If you remember the story of a boy who cried out for help, you know that while the first three cries for help may not be true, the next one may turn out to be real. As a result of this, you should check every submission.”
Where more submissions are found and the evidence continues to run out, pay attention to whether there is some relevant information missing. Since the employee reports the problem all the time, it means the problem may also be with your communication. It is possible that there was a misunderstanding of the signalist's intent. The discrepancy may also apply to the employee's expectations, where he believes the problem is something that is obvious for the board.
It is possible that the employee who reports the problem may have spent a long time deciding on the issue itself. He knew it should be done to go ahead, but he was afraid of the result.
It's worth knowing what your employees need and refrain from your own assumptions about their needs, because they may be wrong. It is necessary to try to understand your own employees based on their experience. Then you can be sure that it will respond appropriately to the problems reported by whistleblowers.
What is the whistleblower submission channel?
Having a whistleblower submission channel at the company, it is known that if there is any wrongdoing, sooner or later someone will find out about it. Thanks to an anonymous remittance channel, you can move to the heart of the problem faster.
Thanks to such a channel of submissions, you will learn about the problem more quickly, so you will have the opportunity to respond in a timely manner and stop any consequences arising from ignorance of the matter.
By carrying out thorough investigations into certain problems, you can not only solve the current irregularity, but also through experience to be able to prevent such situations more quickly in the future.
The signalist remains anonymous on his channel so he can feel completely safe, even undertaking further cooperation in helping to solve the problem.
Not being able to draw attention to the problems could end up on legal issues. If regulators note that the company has made every possible attempt to contain the problem, the possible penalties could be smaller.