How do I recognize if I am a whistleblower?
A whistleblower is a person whose social role is really very important - sometimes we do not realize how important it is. It is a duty that requires courage and a moral attitude. Sometimes, when reporting something to controlling authorities, we do not even realize that we are whistleblowers.
Is the misconduct you reported related to something that happened in your work? Was it about something you encounter in your professional environment?
Is the observed abuse / fraud / lie etc. a real threat to you (mobbing), the interests of your company, employer or social interest?
Is your report based on facts or merely presumptions?
Employees know best how their workplace functions, what mechanisms govern it and with what people they are dealing with on a daily basis. They know their company and colleagues, and thus - they are able to quickly detect irregularities and any abuses that the employer may overlook. Research shows that employees who decide to remain whistleblowers have a real, positive impact on the development and functioning of their workplace. Reports from "insiders" are one of the most effective ways to implement changes and improve working conditions. However, the whistleblower must be sure that the complaint is based on actual errors and not only on his subjective interpretations.
In order to report misconduct, the whistleblower should be able to provide irrefutable evidence of someone's guilt. Sticking to facts and details is a way to avoid a lot of unpleasantness and misunderstanding. Thanks to this, the authority receiving the notification not only can be sure that it is not lined with private motives, but also the whistleblower himself is protected and no one will be able to accuse them of slander or infringement of personal rights.