We have collected the most frequently asked questions that you ask us when considering an implementation of the whistleblowing software.
What is the benefit of using whistleblowing?
The whistleblowing reporting system enables the safe submission of a report by a whistleblower and secure communication between the parties. WeMoral system ensures anonymity and data security. Moreover, all cases and their solutions are registered and saved in the on-line panel, which ensures compliance with formal requirements.
Can reports be sent by the whistleblower only anonymously?
By default, we offer a completely anonymous reporting path - both in terms of the fact that the whistleblower does not provide any personal or contact details, and that we do not store any transmission data. Optionally, however, you can add form fields in which whistleblowers can enter their data.
How does the implementation of the whistleblowing software look like?
After signing the contract, we prepare a complete company profile with an application form. The whistleblowing system is up and running within one day and does not require any involvement on the company’s side.
What fields does the submission form contain and can I change them?
We prepare the input form based on the guidelines of the company, or we suggest a default range of form fields. The form can be adapted to the needs of the company, both in terms of the scope of questions and the form (multiple-choice fields, single-choice fields, date fields, etc.). It is also possible to add attachments.
Is sending attachments in whistleblowing reports safe?
Attachments added to reports are scanned with the use of current virus databases and additional verifications are carried out to confirm the security of the files sent. Any metadata that could enable identifying the whistleblower is also removed from the attachments.
How many employees can access the panel and solve cases?
As part of the standard WeMoral package, you can designate up to 20 people who will have access to the on-line panel and, depending on the assigned role, will be able to view the content of cases, react to them, assign users, or just track the statistics of cases.
Are whistleblower repots secured?
WeMoral whistleblower service system was designed in the "security by default" formula. The content of reports and attachments is stored in an encrypted form (in accordance with the encryption market standards of asymmetric cryptography algorithms). Only people assigned to the appropriate role have access to the content of the tickets and to do this they must enter an individual decryption password (other than the login password). Each company has the ability to create user accounts and manage roles in line with their own security policies.
Is it possible to conduct further correspondence with the whistleblower?
Yes, WeMoral system enables secure and confidential communication between the parties. After sending the notification, the whistleblower receives a unique link and password that allows them to enter the webpage on which the conversation will be visible. This communication is encrypted and allows the whistleblower to stay safe and anonymous.
Is the whistleblower submission registry available?
Yes, one of the elements of WeMoral panel is the record of all submissions. The history of the solutions to all cases is also maintained. It is possible to view cases both in the form of a list of applications and a report with as charts.