4 Ways to Deal With Toxicity Among Co-Workers

4 Ways to Deal With Toxicity Among Co-Workers

Marta Giemza |

Dealing with toxic people, whether in your personal life or at work, is not among easy challenges. The wrong atmosphere at a company can make its employees less productive, undervalued and, above all, more job-tired than under normal conditions. Toxicity at work can manifest itself in many ways and it is important to notice abnormalities in a timely manner and try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Misbehaviour can arise in the form of all sorts of rumours, due to poor communication between employees, and through inappropriate group leaders. In order to answer how best to deal with a toxic work environment, industry professionals have exchanged strategies that work independently of the company's position.

Setting boundaries

Billy Roberts, a therapist at Focused Mind ADHD Counseling, believes setting boundaries is crucial, due to the fact that their absence is typically a major cause of stress. For example, you can use regularly received e-mails after hours, increasing the intensity of work with little progress or simply unfriendly relationships at work. An effective method for getting rid of stress at work is to give yourself your own limits and adhere to the most important values for yourself, which is also associated with increasing assertive communication.

According to John Berry, chief executive of Berry Law, setting boundaries is of invaluable importance where a toxic atmosphere is felt within the employee group. At the very beginning, the owner should make the person employed aware of the value he brings his presence to the company. Then the board should maintain a good relationship with the employee by providing confidence and, if necessary, openness to hearing signals about improper practices in the company environment. It is worth ensuring that if negative situations occur within the ranks of the company, appropriate actions will be taken to help dispose of them. Ultimately, trust your instincts and make decisions consistent with what you think is most beneficial to both sides.

What at work remains at work

As Chris Muktar, the founder of WikiJob, believes, the house should be a place of relaxation and rest, which is not so easy at the time of daily visits to toxic work. The main thing, however, is not to transfer negative emotions from the company to your own homemade calm. Martin Seeley, CEO of MattressNextDay, notes that an effective form of de-stress after work is finding yourself the right hobby. It's even like going to the gym, learning new things, but just relaxing with a book. Fulfillment outside of work is the key to ensuring that work doesn't take you.

Stick to the right people

The toxic atmosphere in the workplace usually does not result from the actions of a single person. Thomas Hawkins, CEO of Electrician Apprentice HQ, explains his theory as follows:

“In a toxic working environment, there will always be a group of people who can be called a “brotherhood of the unhappy.” It is first and foremost people who will never please done work, will always find a reason to complain and look for excuses. It is necessary to avoid this group like fire, and instead of unnecessary contacts, it is worth taking care of relationships with employees who have a human, positive attitude towards the tasks performed”.

Look for another place

Doubting the meaning of working in a toxic atmosphere is a natural consequence of a group malfunctioning, but at the same time it can be an impetus not to try for all strength to survive in this, only to simply change the employer. Petra Odak, Chief Marketing Officer at Better Proposals professionally explained how to end toxic cooperation:

'Wanting to free yourself from a toxic environment, you should focus on two relevant things. First, despite the unfavorable atmosphere, try to work your best and continue to perform your tasks effectively, so that managers appreciate your effort. Second, in your spare time, look around for a new employer. In the event that you manage to find another job, you leave the previous company being in a good relationship with the boss. In the end, it should not go on in a toxic atmosphere for too long”.

As Lauri Kinkar, Messente's chief executive, argues, such a plan is worth owning, whether he plans to leave soon or not. Having a contingency plan, you have the opportunity to quickly end an unfavorable adventure with the company. It is worth enduring in the belief that after transitions at your current employer, you can still find a new, appropriate job for yourself.

With several successful interventions from the company's board, every toxic workplace has a chance to turn into an encouraging pro-growth environment for every employee.

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